Artefactourism: rumours and ruins

STL, Tallinn. Premiered on Nov. 8, 2022

In the performance “Artefactourism: rumours and ruins” Valeria Januškevitš, Sigrid Savi, Kadri Sirel and Keity Pook are interested in the capacity of memory to create identities and communities, and the power, ambiguity and deceitfulness of this mechanism. In what ways are people caught up in the mechanisms of memory, how are they pushed out, which loose ends remain diverged?

The production carries the echoes of three different residencies. The Estonian Open Air Museum, the Kreenholm Manufactory and Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (Independent Dance Stage) are symbols that highlight the community’s way of living, working and dreaming in different eras, introducing the question of work that needs to be put into remembering.

Choreographers travel as tourists along the patchy memories, dancing on the ruins and building bridges between the past, present and future.

Choreographers and performers: Valeria Januškevitš, Keity Pook, Sigrid Saviand Kadri Sirel
Dramaturge: Kerli Ever
Sound designer: Sander Saarmets
Set design: Laura Põld
Light design: Karolin Tamm

Photos by Aron Urb